The American Psychological Association (or APA for short) publishes The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the most commonly used citation style within the social sciences. APA Style refers not only to how references should be cited, but also to how your paper should be formatted and other concepts related to writing a research paper.
The Library provides many sources to help you with APA Style, the largest of which is Academic Writer, a resource which has many different tools for researching, writing, and citing sources. The APA Manual of Style has sections incorporated into this program.
Basics of APA Style
Learn the basics of seventh edition APA Style, including paper elements, format, and organization; academic writing style; grammar and usage; bias-free language; mechanics of style; tables and figures; in-text citations, paraphrasing, and quotations; and reference list format and order.
Academic Writer
© 2020 American Psychological Association.
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