Answered By: Matt Stevons
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2024     Views: 3054

Many of the databases found on the PG Library website offer citation assistance features which will show you how to cite a source in APA format. This can be a handy time saver!  Below are some examples of where this tool is in our most popular databases:

In EBSCO databases and EBSCO Discovery Service, on the results page, look for the three dots to the right of an item you would like to cite and click on that.  Then, click on the quotation marks with the word Cite next to them.

Then, select APA 7th edition and copy/paste that where you would like.

Location of the Cite button in EBSCO Discovery


You can also click on the blue title of an item in the results list to open the detailed record page.

Then, in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you’ll see quotation marks. Click on them.

Alternative location of cite tool in EBSCO Discovery from the Detailed Record page


Then select APA 7th edtion.

Screenshot of APA 7th Edition selection in the Copy Citation menu

You will see examples of how to cite the item in several styles, including APA. 

The Cite button is also available after opening the PDF Full Text or Online Full Text of an article or e-book.

If available, citation tools are often on the right side when viewing an item, or the top.  In Gale eBooks, the link to Citation Tools is also on the right side of the page.

Animated GIF demonstrating the Cite tool in Gale eBooks.

In ProQuest databases, similarly, you can open an item and click on Cite, located in the upper right corner, next to other options like downloading a PDF copy of the item.

Screenshot showing Cite tool in ProQuest databases.

Be advised:  

The suggested APA citation from the tools in any database should be considered just a quick starter and it is ALWAYS a good idea to double check it against APA rules just in case there is a mistake or changes are clearly necessary. The citation suggestions are made from a computer script looking for matches in the publication information about the document, they're not hand-crafted by human APA experts.  Some common changes you'll need to make to the citation are fixing capitalization of book or article titles and checking that the page numbers are correct.

Need more help with APA Style?

For assistance with the APA citation format, visit Academic Writer.

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