Answered By: Laura Marek
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2023     Views: 707

Begin on the library welcome screen.
1. Click on the All Databases located just below the search box on the library's homepage.
2.  then click on Academic Search Complete
On the next screen, click on Choose Databases
On the next screen check boxes for: Academic Search Complete and PsycARTICLES. Then click OK at the top
Click to check the boxes for Full Text and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
Use these boxes to fill in the years as required in the scavenger hunt instructions:
For "methodology of empirical study"...
scroll down to the Methodology area and choose Empirical Study
Under Age Groups choose Adolescents
For aged range of "aged", again under the Age Group box, choose:  Aged
For document type case study:  in the Methodology box, choose Clinical Case Study
And for methodology of longitudinal, in the Methodology box, choose Longitudinal Study
THEN...type the search terms in the boxes at the top of the screen.
For assistance finding articles that are NOT meta-analyses, literature reviews, commentaries, or book reviews, click here.

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