There are several advance search options in CINAHL Plus that can help narrow results by geography, author as nurse, and evidence based practice. Below are the options and a description of them
Most of the options will be down along the right hand side of the advance search page. The first two items are Peer Reviewed and Evidence-Based Practice. Generally, you do not need to select peer reviewed but, if you are not having luck finding peer reviewed articles, then click on that.
If your assignment requires that you find Evidence-Based Practice articles, click on that option. Sometimes that will narrow the results too much. If that happens, then click on it again to deselect it and use "evidence based practice"(in quotation marks) in the middle search box and your other search phrase in the top search box.
If you are required to find a nurse as an author, then the First Author is Nurse and Any Author is Nurse will narrow the results so that requirement is met. If you select First Author is Nurse, there may be fewer results. Selecting Any Author is Nurse should provide more results because that includes First Author is Nurse.
If you need to find articles that were published in a particular geographical location, then scroll down to the box labeled Journal Subset. There are also other topics in that box like Public Health, Consumer Health, and Information Science. If you want to select more than one option in any of these boxes, click on the first option, then hold the CTRL key down on your keyboard, scroll to the other option, and click on that option. Then, click somewhere outside of the box so that another option is accidently selected.
If you are looking for articles that have graphs, charts or diagrams in them then, scroll all the way to the bottom of the advanced search screen and you will find image options on the left hand side.
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