Answered By: Matt Stevons Last Updated: Aug 27, 2020 Views: 590
Below is are sample references from APA's Academic Writer for what is likely the most common type of article you will cite, an article from an academic journal that includes a DOI link:
Journal article with DOI
Ambrose, A. (1963). The age of onset of ambivalence in early infancy: Indications from the study of laughing. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 4(3–4), 167–181.
Ambrose, A. F., Paul, G., & Hausdorff, J. M. (2013). Risk factors for falls among older adults: A review of the literature. Maturitas, 75(1), 51–61.
Rosenfeld, N., & Steffens, J. (2019). Effects of audiovisual congruency on perceived emotions in film. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 29(4), 200–208.
Murray, D. J., Burhop, J., Centa, S., Chande, N., Oinonen, K., Thomas, T., Wilkie, T., & Farahmand, B. (1998). A partial matching theory of the mirror effect in immediate probed recognition. Memory & Cognition, 26(6), 1196–1213.
Note that for articles without a DOI you find in a library database like ProQuest Central or EBSCO's Academic Search Complete, simply do not include one. The citation ends after listing the page numbers and you do not need to include the name of the database or a link to the article.
Journal article without DOI (accessed in an academic research database)
Alexander, A. (1985). The great escape: Soap opera viewing by college students. College Student Journal, 19(2), 141–143.
Gill, C. S., Barrio Minton, C. A., & Myers, J. E. (2010). Spirituality and religiosity: Factors affecting wellness among low-income, rural women. Journal of Counseling & Development, 88(3), 293–302.
For a tutorial about citing journal articles, see the below quick guide tutorial from Academic Writer or click on the links for more sample references.
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