Below are sample references from APA's Academic Writer on how to cite a book you found using databases like EBSCO eBooks or Skillsoft Books. Note that in the 7th edition, you no longer have to include a link or indicate that you are using an ebook. Instead, simply cite the book as you would the print version. Additionally, you no longer have to list the city the book was published in. These changes should make citing books you find in the PG Library's databases easier than ever.
Authored book without DOI (print version or full text accessed via a research database)
Dery, M. (2018). Born to be posthumous: The eccentric life and mysterious genius of Edward Gory. Little, Brown and Company.
Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Taylor & Francis.
Stamper, K. (2018). Word by word. Vintage.
For a tutorial about the basics of citing books see the below resource from APA's Academic Writer, or click the links below for more examples.
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