Answered By: Matt Stevons
Last Updated: May 28, 2024     Views: 1156

When you perform a search on the Library welcome page (and most of our individual databases), you will notice an Save icon link next to every result.

When an item is opened, the Save icon will be at the top right of the item:
The folder (My EBSCOhost folder) does require you to create an account, but once you've done that, you can sign in to access your saved items anytime!
Here's what you need to do to create the account and use your folder:
The folder sign-in link appears in all of our EBSCO databases near the top right of the screen (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Ultimate, etc...).
Click MyEBSCO to find the Create a new account link. Since you have a Google student email account, Simply sign in with Google:
Sign in with Google
Once you have an account, you can start saving items to your folder, but the most important thing to remember is you must sign in before you save anything.  Otherwise, once you close your browser window, your saved items will disappear. 

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