While not extensively covered in the APA Style 7th Edition manual, the APA website's page on citing PowerPoint slides does briefly address applying APA Style to a PowerPoint you are making for an assignment. In general, many rules and guidelines on the citation of sources or writing style can be adapted to make an effective presentation formatted in APA Style, at least as much as PowerPoint can allow given the differences between a slide presentation and an academic paper. For example, a common element you may be asked to include is a References slide at the end of your presentation, similar to the References section of your academic papers.
However, since APA Style wasn't developed for PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other slide presentation software, there may be some instances where there isn't a specific rule governing what you want to do. About this point, APA advises that "decisions about font size, amount of text on a slide, color scheme, use of animations, and so on are up to writers; these details are not specified as part of APA Style." In general, if you are asked to apply APA Style to your PowerPoint presentation, if a rule can be reasonably adapted you should try to follow it, but there may be some situations where rules are not clear or be cumbersome to follow. In these cases, it will be up to you to decide how best to proceed and we advise working with your instructor in these instances for their preferences on what to do.
For an example of how to integrate APA Style 7th Edition rules into your PowerPoint presentation, including how to set up the title slide and a references list slide, see the video below from the PG Writing Center.
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