Answered By: Matt Stevons
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2020     Views: 285

Updated August 4, 2020:

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the official source for APA Style®, is now available.  As you are aware, Purdue Global follows APA Style rules across all programs at the university (with the exception of Concord Law School).   This FAQ is intended to answer some immediate questions and lead to any resources available so far.

In short, what happened?

On October 1, 2019, the APA published a new 7th edition of its style manual.  Students and faculty at the university need to start following the new rules by January 1, 2021.  

Where can I learn about the changes in the 7th edition?

Most resources in the PG Library are now updated.

  • Academic Writer, APA’s official tool for teaching and learning effective writing, is now updated to the 7th edition.  

  • Many 7th edition resources have been available from the APA's website since publication, including basics on rule changes.  

  • Coinciding with Academic Writer’s update, other APA resources from the Academic Success Center will be updated by August 15, 2020.    

What do I need to know about 7th edition rules today?

You still have plenty of time to prepare for the 7th edition and do not need to become an expert today. However, now is the time to get started!  We encourage you to start adopting the new rules, now that Academic Writer and other resources are updated. However, you can continue using 6th edition until January 1, 2021, which may be especially appealing for any students who plan to graduate before then and may not want to learn the new rules.

What’s changing in the 7th edition?

The APA has updated their website with links and information reviewing the major changes to APA Style in the new edition. APA's Academic Writer now also has many resources on the changes.  Links to these resources are below.

What should I do next?

Start learning the new rules and reach out to your instructors with any questions on expectations and preferences.  

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