Answered By: Matt Stevons
Last Updated: Aug 07, 2019     Views: 16

While using databases from EBSCO, ProQuest, and others, you may be logged out due to inactivity after a specified period of time.  This varies by resource.  For EBSCO databases and resources (EBSCO Discovery Service, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus, etc.), the time out period is 2 hours.  For ProQuest databases and most others, the time out period is 30 minutes of inactivity.  This is not 2 hours or 30 minutes of maximum usage, it is 2 hours or 30 minutes of maximum inactivity, meaning the user did not click on anything for 30 minutes or more.  

This shouldn't affect normal use, but keep in mind when using resources licensed by the PG Library, if you walk away from your computer or don't use an open browser tab for over 30 minutes, you may be timed out and need to log in again.  If you are not going to actively use a resource for a while, make sure to note any important citations you want to reference later, copy links to them, or download them first.  

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