Just like any other source, web pages like blogs and wikis are evaluated according to the 5 Ws: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW.
What are they?
Blog are web source written in diary-style, usually by a single author or group, that allows readers to add comments. Entries are usually listed from most to least recent and are added to regularly. Typically, it is easier to identify the author/creator of a blog.
What are they?
Wikis are webpages where many people can contribute and edit content. Be aware that content may not be from reliable authors/organizations/publishers. The wiki site manager may periodically check for inaccuracies in the added content, but there is no guarantee. Authorship is more difficult to determine on wikis since there are many contributors.
What should you look for:
Always check with your instructor for guidance. If you're ever in doubt about whether or not to use a particular source.
For more information, take the interactive tutorial linked in this FAQ.
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