Answered By: Laurie Bastien
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2018     Views: 984

Criteria Library Database Website
Example EBSCO/GALE/ProQuest Google/Yahoo/Bing
Authority Content written by academics or industry professionals Anyone can add content. Author does not have to be an expert in the field to contribute information.
Reliability/Accuracy Information must submit to a peer review process or get publisher approval. Variable reliability. There is no quality control of the information provided.
Content Database are arranged by subject and contain academic research studies, government reports, newspaper articles, industry/trade reports and articles. Content typically includes citations and/or bibliographies. Libraries purchase database content, which is copyrighted and licensed for use. Websites are not organized by subject. The Internet contains an amalgamation of information. Fact checking of information is limited. No quality control process is required.
Currency/Frequency of Update Database content updated regularly. Depending upon the publisher, updates can be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Unknown/sporadic. Updates among websites is variable.
Cost to Access Subscriptions are chosen and paid by the Library/Institution Websites are usually freely available, but sometimes site content requires user accounts/fees
Purpose/Use Scholarly/academic research General interest 


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